20 Year 9/11 Challenge Coin from the original creator of the first 9/11 coin in 2001.


20 Year 9/11 Challenge Coin from the original creator of the first 9/11 coin in 2001.

from $25.00

Select below to order one of the original 2001 designs like it originally looked. They are $50 each.

$20 from every original coin design sold will be donated to a charity that our Tiktok followers will vote on.

The 2021 version is $25 each.

Similar design with the 20YR banner added but thicker, bigger and heavier to match our most popular coins. Preorders will be accepted through the end of June and coins will go into production at that time.

Order one of the 20 year Remembering 9/11 coins from the original 9/11 challenge coin we minted in 2001. This first 9/11 tribute coin raised and donated $80,500 to the disaster relief fun. (Verifiable through the Red Cross of the Susquehanna Valley)

The photos show the art work for the new 20YR coin as well as the original coin images.

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